Do you know where the slowdown is happening? If you collect (“ABC”) does take the same performance hit?
Look up “callbacks” in the documentation they should cover what you want.
I would be cautious about the blend material. It might result in you rendering both shaders (twice as long) and then discarding based on alpha. I’m…
if you disable/enable scene redraw does it clear the cache?
I would also look into assigning userprops to every object. setuserprop $ “ObjectType” “Tree” getuserprop $ “ObjectType” returns “Tree” (Just of…
A way to select the outer edge loop would also be to convert to an editable poly and select open edges. The outer edges should be open and then just …
I would take the normal vector of a point along the inner line and get the position along the outer line at the intersection of that ray and then aver…
Hehe the only reason why I know the solution to that error message so easily is because I see it so often. I actually happen to be rewriting the scr…
The problem is you’re trying to call your rollout “Undefined” Global testRollout = test format (“Rollout % …) “test” to:codestream Test needs to be…
format “% % was an olympic % contestant in the % olympics.” FirstName LastName Sport Year to:StringStreamVar The % are like madlibs.
What you do is create a rollout normally and then just put it into quotation marks. (Using “” for literal quotes, \ for slash etc.) Just treating it l…
Let me guess you’re using Max 9? Clipboard stuff is new to 2008 (or AVG). setClipBoardText string getclipboardtext()
Ok so it’s doing a super super basic multi-pass DOF effectively. And the 3D Volume spinner adjusts the interocular distance. But isn’t that ‘3d volum…
Yeah I looked at it through anaglyph glasses and the 4-planes made it look like like a good anaglyphic image… and a bad ghost image.
Anaglyph output generates a really weird anaglyph with 4 layers.