And then god decided to take pity on thy Max users. It was then god gave the gift of mercy. And it was good.
You can pass your number to this function. It’ll return a string with the right amount of zeros that’ll go before your number: fn getZeros zeroC…
Not getting any errors with this: /* category:”Utilities” toolTip:”Net Render Controller” */ ( rollout listOfJobs “list of jobs” ( local …
I created a float script controller on a box’s Length controller. Here’s was the script: redValue = (255 * myBox.height) — Get the color’s red val…
Figured it out. I guess some settings in \Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\plugcfg\gw_objexp.ini were creating conflicts.
Thanks for the effort. I wonder if it’s just something corrupt with my exporter :S
You’re trying to change a non-existant property on the object’s rotation controller. Euler_xyz controllers don’t have a upnode_axis property. You prob…
Not entirely sure what you’re looking for, but this applies the scale about the worldspace origin to all objects which MATCH the scene’s name. sFilen…
I’d go for: for o in objects do about [0,0,0] scale o [0.5,0.5,0.5]
I didn’t even dare to think of such a way. Elegant solution, thanks alot for the efforts!
I’m not a big fan of having them in global scope either. However I collect the available export scripts from a directory so “everyone” could have cust…
Is this what you’re asking for? ( rollout windowSetValue “” ( spinner spValue “Start value:” type:#integer align:#left button btSetValue “S…
pointA = $Point01 pointB = $Point02 p3Pos = (pointA.pos + pointB.pos)/2 point pos:p3Pos Build the sum of both objects positions…
This made me LOL