Rob, you’re right, I’m sorry, I didn’t see that “instead of”. Gavin already considered and discarded my solution. The only way I see to feed a functi…
Hi Gavin, you can add additional parameters to a function without the needing to define them during the call with the : (colon) function sampleFunc …
Hi Max, I’m not completely sure to understand your needing. The script I wrote takes in account visible edges only, the diagonal (edge hidden in a nGo…
Hi zortech, I revised the algorithm to get the index of the longest UV Edge from a UV Face selection. Convert Face selection to Edges selection and …
Hi Rorschach, I revised the code to accept closed edge loops. In that case, the sorted vertex list starts from the one with the lowest index, that’s q…
Hi Rorschach, I came up with a two step algorithm to get the sorted list of vertices in a continuous edge chain: 1- Get the extreme vertices 2- Start…
Hi loocas, I’m not completely sure about your needing, since I don’t know Maya world coordinate system, but if you want to rotate a matrix in Max abo…
Hi guys, you can check the current spline position with points position, since Shape and Points are all linked to the bone. on btAlignButton presse…
Hi noontz, I may have found something that could help you with the speed issue: use the “maxOps.CloneNodes”, in place of “copy”. Here two sample scrip…
I’m sorry to post just to revive this old thread of mine. I’m still in need of answers. Even a “No, it can’t be done by MaxScript” would be appreciate…
Thanks Erilaz and LoneRobot, I hoped to receive more answers, anyway I understand some of them are a bit tricky. I’m sorry for the doubled question, I…
Hi Corne, The effect you’re trying to get seems to be not much different from camera orbit based on the mouse position in screen space. I don’t know h…
Hi tripclaw, the feature you’re looking for is already in 3ds Max. I’m talking about version 9 and guess it’s in 200X too. It’s a bit hidden in the ob…
Hi guys, I put together an essential library of geometrical calculations functions. They’re approximately those already shown here a little polished, …