If no one else has anything to say… we have a winner! Just fiddled with your idea of doped mouseTrack(), it works! I still got to run extensive test…
Hi Denis, I’ve been using mouseTrack() all the time, and it does the job (see IC.PolySplitRing). I prefer thePainterInterface by far, but it cannot de…
Sorry to renew this old thread, but the question is timeless. Is there ANY way to detect a right click in viewports? I mean ANYthing that comes to min…
Thank you guys, I understand it’s a daunting task. I’ll try to figure out something different, or wait until my C++ knowledge grows enough to start co…
Hi Alex, I’d stay away from “execute” statement with a little more scripting and maybe less neat code. You can write a function called on checking ev…
Hi Yannick, I got a chance to run some tests. I disabled or uninstalled any other plugin/script to get a fresh Max start. The system (Win XP 64) has b…
Hi Yannick, first and foremost I find your script brilliant, even if I’m not able to understand dotNet code at a glance. This is definitely a good pus…
Hi Pier, the feature you’re looking for is new in Max 2009. It’s a property of some User-Interface Controls like Buttons. border: NEW in 3ds Max 200…
Hi Jacob, different values in seemingly identical objects should be given by Max internal approximation. When I need to compare two normal vectors, I…
Hi Neil, there’s a trick you can use if nothing better is found: ( — starts the creation of a line and switches to Shapes subcategory startObject…
Hi Rob, on editable polygons made by tris or quads only, testing the shared poly from mesh face vertices is fine. But if you’re working with n-gons, i…
Hi Adam, I cannot figure out what’s wrong, so I’ll go with a short tutorial. The script works with Editable Poly objects only. In 3ds Max go to menu…
Hi Björn, here is a function to do the job. It removes every edge from an editable poly whose adjacent faces are coplanar, cleans unneeded verts too. …
Hi perfectboy, your script checks only if a material is applied to an object regardless of material maps. If you want to select objects that have app…