Hi Dave, not sure if particles make the same case as objects, but in MaxScript Reference, under ‘Matrix3’ you got this note: When working with objec…
holycause: edit: or is there a way to know if a variable is an array or just a simple variable how could ms knows that the first one is a simple var…
Hi Ruben, variables as well as arrays don’t have an “ID” property. You can anyway achieve a similar result by definining a custom structure containing…
Hi Joel, I just upgraded the function to take into account face contiguity. You can now choose between: #none -> no contiguity limits #byVert ->…
Richard just a bunch of ticks before you, but mine doesn’t take into account backfacing, so it’s a tie
Hi Joel, the following function selects every face in an Editable Poly whose normal is within the specified angle threshold expressed in degrees. It r…
Hey Juan, I’m glad to help, this is not a competition, I learnt something new too. “getNodeByName” is a cleaner a solution, and I’m definitely not a f…
Hi Juan, if I understood well, you want to select each object in a set with the same prefix and a variable number. The following script shows how to a…
Hi Juan, this is a super basic error-prone script, just to show elements you need for your work. It places a key on every frame only while showing pla…
Hi Pat, rather than restarting the script after crash, avoid it by wrapping your code in a node validity test. If it’s valid, execute the code, otherw…
Hi, I don’t really know what you’re trying to do, so I’ll give it just a shoot. body = box width:32 length:32.5 height:3 pos:[0,0,49.3] name:”body” …
Hi guys, my shoot is: you cannot define a function inside an event handler block, and it’s not a scope problem, even though the error says so. rollo…
Hi Peter, this new version doesn’t have an interface, unless you create a button through standard Max Customize User Interface panel. You can associat…
Hi Peter and welcome, to manage the viewport callback you need some interface to trigger it on and off. The following code creates a simple rollout wi…
Hi losbellos, polyop.getVertsUsingFace returns a BitArray, that you cast to an Array, that implies elements (vertices in this case) are ordered by asc…