There seems to be a strict relation between edges and faces indexes in Editable Mesh: face 1 has edges 1,2,3 face 2 has edges 4,5,6 face 3 has edges …
( function test &var = ( var = 5 ) local i = 1 format “i: % ” i test &i format “i: % ” i ) Enrico
( — create 6 Spheres for i = 1 to 6 do ( Sphere radius:5 pos[i*10, 0, 0] ) — select first available from Sphere01 to Sp…
( local a = #(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) local b = for i = a.count to 1 by -1 collect a[i] format “a == % ” a format “b == % ” b ) Enrico
Well, I got a macroscript with several rollouts all defined into the macroscript scope level. Main and other four (right now) added to a subrollout in…
Here is a simple scheme of current script design. It’s actually a bit more complex as it defines more rollouts loaded into a subrollout in rolMain, bu…
Well, it’s not that bad, it’s a simple placeholder and automatically reads outer (MacroScript’s) scope. If I have to define a Struct, it should hold f…
Thanks Denis, but I even hate to hear the word “global” The solution I’m thinking about, is to define common variables and functions at MacroScript …
Hi Tarcus, try with: updateToolbarButtons() Enrico
Hi Tarcus, you got: suspendEditing which:<panel_name> alwaysSuspend:<bool> resumeEditing which:<panel_name> alwaysSuspend:<bool&…
Hi Joel, here is a solution. Mind that Command Panel needs to be in Modify Mode to make the buttonOp work. ( — create an Editable Poly object …
Hi Kevin, if you’re looking for “The shortest line between two lines in 3D” this link could be of help. It also has a ready to use function in MaxScri…
Hi Jeff, I had something to do with the same issue while writing IC.SizeInScreen. I can barely remember I used to create a FreeCamera, align it to vie…
Brackets define a block of code, that’s like a scope level, so from global you go into first scope level and run the code inside it. Everything inside…