It is possible, though not officially supported. MZ: do you think MCG is faster than general code inside scriptedplugin? The math portion i…
Then you use triple instead of pair, but that already smells of bad approach anyway. Usually, you’re better off processing items inside the loop rathe…
You wanted both i and val so this gives you that, first item in the pair is i, the second one is val. As for your second question, it does nothing bec…
You’d need another passthrough to tell it it’s an array of integers, not a generic array.
Nope, that’s public info for quite some time, check his own work history + announcement on linkedin: ‘I am pleased to announce that starting in Januar…
2018: As Chris Diggins is no longer at Autodesk and it looks we’ll get stuck with the current MCG iteration forever, playing with MCG feels like w…
Pacermike: colorMan.getColor #background — Sidenote: This is no longer getting the correct button UI color for me That’s because since 2017 you’…
Scripted manipulator exposes a ‘node’ value for the node that owns the target it is manipulating. If it’s standalone manipulator and you’d prefer to …
I only tested in max 9 and max 2018 with couple of boxes in scene, returns empty array in both no matter if I click on edge or anywhere else on any bo…
I like it better, too. There’s maxOps.setSelectionType to set the Auto window/crossing mode together with the direction, and you can get the current s…
When ‘Auto Window/Crossing by Direction’ is active, this always returns empty array for me.
What about tool test numPoints:2 ( on mousePoint clickNo do print (intersectRayScene (mapScreenToWorldRay mouse.pos)) #noMap ) startTool test
@Jorge: nice one! @Laurent: this is from the method itself: flags.Set(0,(mtl->TestMtlFlag(MTL_BEING_EDITED))); // read-only flags.Set(1,(mtl-&g…
mod returns float so I’d blame it on the precision issues of floats… not nice…
Are you sure you don’t want to use the box scale instead? Coloring in order of creation is kinda a mess: