Bump Anyone that can help me with the following questions? I still haven’t found a solution… I noticed that the above script doesn’t handle groups …
Alright, I got it to work… Thanks a lot for your help so far, I’m learning a lot. ( — Globals global sortDistance — Variables myObjects = $ as…
Bedankt Johan, indeed something to digest :). Thanks though!
And another thing: I am looking for a script to organize selected objects in an array according to their location, so that I can then adjust every …
Ok, so on another forum I found that to set the decimals to three, I should use ‘preferences.spinnerPrecision’ I just don’t understand where and how t…
Thank! That works! I didn’t understand what that third value was for (like I said, I just started) but I did notice I couldn’t do without it, so I jus…