Thanks a lot for the pointers Paul, it’s very good to have a direction to follow instead of looking blindly through the help file. I’ll take a look at…
I finally got this implemented into my rig, and it works beautifully. Thanks again Johan
Hey – thanks again Johan! I shall seek you out and buy you a beer next time I’m in Holland Great with the walkaround, I’ll try and see if it works w…
Well, hi again Johan I couldn’t use baseObject in this script due to stack issues. I found a workaround using instanceReplace() before I posted the …
That Zhangy guy has got some neat stuff on his website. Wonder what he will do with 3ds max now that he’s on the max dev team… Skylight would be pret…
I’m going to take a second look at UVW Unwrap later, perhaps simplify things a bit so that it’s easier to debug the problems I’ve had so far. Here’s …
A happy new year to you too, Johan Thanks again for helping me out. Actually, I had some problems with UVW Unwrap that I didn’t spend time digging i…
I finally got time to continue with this problem. Neuro69, unfortunately I cannot get your method to work, and there is no reference to the UVW Unwra…
Johan, that’s my plan B Since the character/objects might have TurboSmooth or other modifiers that change polycounts, I must parse through them first…
Hi there Steinar (From Norway, do I know you??) I will try that out, thanks!
Thanks Keith. I will see if there are any alternatives instead.