Thanks 3ak Solved.
Thanks 3ak. If event 23 has it then how come it is not there in the next event 24. Thanks
Can you explain a bit more. How it will help me here. Thanks Marc Sumesh
Pjanssen: If it’s not printing anything, then it’s probably not even being called. I just tried the code I wrote, there was an error in there indeed…
Thanks Janssen. I tried your code, but its not working. i also tried some tweaks on it. foundNodes = findNodeFn true; Right after thi…
Hi Denis, I have two functions that runs when the form loads, which is used for populating the treeview control with the objects on the scene along w…
Hello, Does anybody have a solution to this one? Thanks Sumesh
Thanks Janssen for the reply. I would have been happy if this code checked something in the treeview control. The lines “nd.checked =true” and “…
I dint know that you made a post to the thread. I just thought you saw it when you were talking about it in class. Thanks Paul. Sumesh
Hello, Thanks to all who read this post. Somehow i was able to solve it almost after a week of trials. Actually it was so easy, it was just a simple …
You are right Janssen, iam gonna rewrite those codes for the buttons. Thats the only way i find this to work it out. Thanks for the help again.
Yes, in hide layer btn pressed event i run this code, i can’t avoid that because when i press the btn, it hides that layer and also changes the colour…