Thanks Lo, It was sender.text Such an easy thing… Thanks anyway
Thanks Denis for the detailed explanation.
This is where I got the information on listbox selectionChanged event. You are right as it exactly says no selectionchanged event. Still I am havi…
Thanks Denis Then listener throws me a runtime error when I add this line. I double checked the MSDN library and I made sure that event exists for th…
Thanks Tim. Actually I was looking on multiple selections on the listbox, that’s why I added that line. My intention is to configure viewports as the…
Ok thanks Denis, I shall check it out on the forums.
[/QUOTE] Actually I was checking whether max had an icons directory when your reply came in. I figured that Max doesn’t have an icons directory, but I…
Thanks Pete, Thanks Pete, that was really helpful. Always used the dotnet controls referring the msdn library. Denis: Still not showing any buttons….
Thanks Denis, Running your script just opened up a window without anything on it. form = dotnetobject “MaxCustomControls.Maxform” Here what class…
And also one more question What does this line do? imageclass = dotNetclass “System.Drawing.image” IListimage1 = imageclass.fromfile (LRUIdir+“zfsta…