Are you making your material for manipulating shader parameters? If you define your .fx file with proper semantics, the DX9 shader will expose those …
well, i ended up filtering nodes on this layer by what they are, not what they aren’t. so i check for geometry, shapes, lights, and such, and delete t…
sure, if you expose all of your parameters to maxscript it is really pretty easy to make a UI. that is a fairly common approach.
since this has gotten no replies, i’ll clarify… basically, i want to do a soft selection along an edge loop… so given an edge, the falloff would foll…
bobo that is just ridiculous… i think you are running out of problems to solve! hehe, nice hack, really! ben
thats really funny how that script evolved… if the guy would’ve known about Make Preview, you never would’ve whipped that up. thanks though, definite…
thx for that… definitely works. is there any way to select by inode.handle without looking at every object and comparing?