I found a question If you have five dwg files, after impoter You will find three groups , not five groups , why ?
You may use the code: on execute do if (MatEditor.iSOpen()) then MatEditor.Close() else MatEditor.Open() It support max6
It’s trouble, Who has a simple way ? I thank When I open max file ,max can run a code , Collect current layer This code put max\script\startup folde…
Thanks prettyPixel ! I have alredy download your (v0.24b), The maxscript can run and have no warning. The script is very good ,It’s easy to use I…
hi prettyPixel I am using your tools , But I met a little problem hvae a Warning every run, why ? – Syntax error: at number, expected <rollout …
It’s very nice, I like. Thanks the share!
Thanks a million!! That works very well! I will learn maxscript hard!
I understand I can close the layer : layer = getNodeLayer $ layer.on= false but use (fn) how to isolate ?
Thank HalfVector vbmenu_register(“postmenu_2943639”, true); you are right ,I need a (fn) but how to let (fn) work ?
It can’t normal work, why ? myDoorName = uniquename “door” polyop.detachFaces $ (getFaceSelection $) delete:true asNode:true name:“door” subobjectLev…