Sorry, I made a mistake
Hi,PiXeL_MoNKeY This approach can solve the problem temporarily,But if c:\ have four hundred jpg files I will write if (lh == “wood”),if (lh == “woo…
Hi ZeBoxx2 Thank you very much! I understand ! Use your code mySelectedKnotsPositions = #() if (((getCurrentSelection()).count == 1) AND (subObj…
I mean is get coordinate of the currently selected knots, your fn back results: #([-64.2512,-3.77987e-006,86.4734], [-61.3527,-4.43449e-007,10.1449]…
Hi, ZeBoxx2 The script only get one point coordinate ,If i want to get two point coordinate,How to do I would like a long time, but no results. if …
Thanks all ,Problems have been solved,Use ZeBoxx2’s code: ( try(makedir (pathConfig.convertPathToUnc (maxfilePath + “\ ga\\”)))catch() re…
I am useing vray! urgently needed help Thanks once more !
Extremely thanks your answer !!
Hi ZeBoxx2, Thank you. I understood But my maxscript is poor. Can you help me revise the script ,let it Correctly run under the 3dsmax9 ? thanks!
Why Appearance a smiling face’s icon The face’s icon is “: p” This is Correct ! ( local CheckDist=0, HitRay, ViewRay, PointDist, pointa, pointb, poin…