Thanks denisT. :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:
Thanks denisT ! I tried to make it work to edit_poly,But seem it does not work,why? denisT,Can you help me thank you ! fn collectFlippedFaces node:se…
Thanks all, Hi j-man, your script fn works vrey good,but only edit_mesh,Can it work edit_poly ? Hi denisT, your script fn Does not work correctly,…
thanks TzMtN, My maxscript is very poooooor,Can you give an example to illustrate it Mody ?
I understand, thanks DreaTawn
I like the script,But there is no directory of memory function, if there is all the better
Thanks labbejason thatoneguy,Your suggestion is helpful to me,I am also looking for some information,for example: ( global testRolloutFloater local …
Can you Explained it detailedly ? Sorry, I know very little in this field, Moreover, The script use dotNet, difference with ordinary Rollouts .
[left]Thanks [left]PiXeL_MoNKeY, You helped me a great.[/left][/left] [left][left] [/left][/left][left][/left]
Hi,PiXeL_MoNKeY This approach can solve the problem temporarily,But if c:\ have four hundred jpg files I will write if (lh == “wood”),if (lh == “woo…