Hmm, I guess I don’t understand the problem then
a second grid is created with new divisions and by using the elevations. the right UV is calculated with the new grid. (by using the length of the seg…
I bet this can be done as a plugin with the SDK too
Nice work shader!!! As someone who regularly uses both controls in his workflow, this would be invaluable… because I would not constantly have to rea…
[left]sysinfo.[b]getSystemMemoryInfo/b [/left] [left]Returns a 7 element array containing system memory status data. The array elements contain the fo…
changed your name, prettypixel? stuh, do you remember what kind of speed test you used ? I did a speed test, because allocating memory is bound to…
I don’t think this is correct, see my previous thread–
edit: solved, using the two-pass idea
I cannot tell without the whole code, but try a two-pass algorithm.The first pass goes through all branches down to the last child and collects all ch…
Ah, the driver, yeah that was it. Thanks Bobo
I have to have several parameters between cpp and mascript (input and output parameters). To send and receive arrays for example. Sending and reciev…
Well it’s not just a matter of translating it into cpp, it’s a matter of translating it into the specific classes of the SDK. I’m just starting to lo…
I just started wading through the sdk getting started help files last night…having a dvd for max sdk would be pretty cool. I havent finished reading …