This is an issue with some of the other uvw_unwrap commands but it is not the issue that I am having. Like I said it works fine whether or not it is …
Ok, it’s a floating point round off error I have run into that problem before. I still don’t know why it is not consistently wrong but I guess max …
Well, the thing is that it’s not consistent. When I evaluate it now I get different results.
I’m going in the opposite direction…I’ve begun using maxscript to replace text editors because I can leave the windows open while manipulating things …
Of course it would also be possible to write a function that integrates with the max API that allows you to open an opengl viewport, which you could t…
Edit poly modifier was not introduced until R8 I believe
When you start the tool, the first click activates it. The second click ends the tool. Now I need the tool to be automatically started again so that t…
I don’t know what you mean by no access to scripter windows…but anyway I just looked into the maxref under “[size=2]Interface: visualMS” [/size]and ap…
Hey Wahooney, I haven’t had a chance to check this out yet but I have a suggestion for something that would really help in scripting…that is, a tool …
There are a bunch of functions prefixed with “gw” that do this, look for it in the manual you will see them
I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but… arr = (“array” + (dd as string)) –RETURNS STRING –arr = arr + dd **DOES NOT WORK** Ok, so arr is a st…