hi guruware, my listbox is single select listbox. is there anything to do inside this . It’s returning -1. if (HIWORD(wParam)==LBN_SELCHANGE) { …
hi ivanisavich, this is the error report generated by 3dsmax
There is no crash report or error message . it’s crashing when its executing the code inside if(LOWORD(wParam)==IDC_LISTBOX) BUT when I add hWnd = N…
hello, I did what I understood from your post .BUT , max is crashing when I’m selecting objects from the listbox . Could you correct my code where it …
hi ivanisavich , I don’t know much about winapi programming . Can you guide me where should I place the code you wrote and access the selected item In…
Thankyou so much ivanisavich .
It’s working now Thank you so much hdmaster for helping .
Thanks aaandres . Your post was helpful.