i was hoping to avoid doing it with material id but the snapping uv sounds promising i think any chance fore more information about that ?
guys please , any and all ideas are welcome iv been breaking my head with this and its driving me nuts
ok thanks man , appreciated
” there is loads of example documentation” any chance you can point me in the right direction to finding them ?
anybody knows of good helium tuts or examples beyond the help file ? or should i just wait for cortex ?
oh!! so only if i set animation to the layer then it will be visible in the track view… ok it works thanks , very helpful .
thanks! as always very helpful
sweet thanks again
ok but is it the “right” or “officiant” way of using bitmaps in buttons or dose it load the bitmap for each button every time like in the thread you …
so simple… thanks denis , i guess ill go put a bag over my head now… is there a fast way to explain y it didn’t work ? i get that there were missing t…