RustyKnight: It’s not sad at all! And if I know the other developers on this forum, they are probably feeling excited with you!! And yes, Dav, we al…
Hi, Martin, Just to elaborate on Joel’s post, OLE objects in Max can receive(and send) arrays, ints, floats, bools, colours, strings and undefined. T…
I agree with RustyKnight, who knows how many times a simple mistake has caused me greif! Nice catch I cant believe I did not see that before I poste…
Hi Brett, I just did a quick test and had no problems, >>> obj = win32com.client.Dispatch(“MAX.Application.9”) >>> obj._FlagAsMe…
Yeah the sub materials are supported by max (there actually user defined in the rollout) strangly enough if i extend a Mental Ray material i get no er…
Hi, Guys, d3coy I did some further research into building assemblies with iron python, it seems its a little bit hit and miss, the answer I mostly fo…
Hi, Paul, Im going to have a good look at doing this with iron python over the next few days to see what i can up with, from what i understand this s…
Hi, ypuech, I suspected as much… I have been having some trouble creating a TreeListCtrl ()… I’ll post some code to see if you can shed some light i…
Hi Eric, I love where you guys are headed with this, currently I’m using A LOT of COM to get max talking to the rest of our pipeline, consequently an…
d3coy: Thanks a ton spec, I’ll give the com class a go and report back how I faired (I know you said it was quick code, I’ll give it a shot anyways …
RealThing: Pyro is a Python Remote Object library written in python itself. Basically it allows python code segments to sit on a centralized server…
Ill try and post the code up for you asap… I would also love to no whether maya or XSI can import modules as well, I’m making the assumption and sayin…
Hi, d3coy, Thats almost the exact workflow I use on a day to day basis. Its easy (relatively easy). I talk to python servers through a COM class I ha…