Thank you for your answer. I did this, someway, and the problem was that even though you don’t need to declare variables, they became the type of the …
well… you are right… i just needed to run max as administrator Thank you a lot!
bro, you make it look like the easiest thing on earth… it didn t work though :shrug: i got – Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; pos…
i ll try it tomorrow but thank you in advance! well it s not working… :banghead:
the objs are imported from rhino and the exported mesh have all vertices unweld and some extra edges. As long as the objs are boxes and having borders…
awesome is not enough to describe it! Neither thankful is! I need to optimize it a little bit coz it needs to long to run over each object and got …
i need to run once on each obj of my selection the following script: “Modifier Stack” “Convert_to_Poly” subobjectLevel = 2 actionMan.execu…
here it is again, we got mine on left and chamfer box on the right.
gladly! here is an example of what the problem was. Uploaded with the side boxes have been filleted with my script, the mid one is ch…
thanks a lot!!
hello Wheiraucher and thank you for your answer! the point of all this is to make a totally str8 box, without that rounding effect of smoothing groups…
nothing worked… and i can t understand why… it finds error in some random line… do anyone now how i can do it… regardless the “script” i have already……
script explained ( “Modifier Stack” “Convert_to_Poly” –convert obj to ed. poly subobjectLevel = 2 actionMan.executeAction 0 “40021” $.Ed…