Thank you! I implemeted that and wanted to call an already existing function when the callback is true. The problem is that as it seems the callback i…
Got it: Since Iām animating the PERCENT Property I also need to access the keys of this property and not of the controller itself!
Hi, if you only want it to selected object you can do for o in selection do ( stuff )
Ok thanks, but how can I access the lets say path position percentage of a specific item in this array later on? ā EDIT ā Ah forget it, now I see t…
No, I want to combine a variable name with another variable name into a new variable name. I go through a for loop and in every loop i create a cyli…
Thanks for the Link, But I need to do this along a Shape, not a simple straight line. Well I solved it now by using a pathConstraint with no animati…
Thanks Bobo, that helped me a lot