ringoffire: Trying to work on an architectural model and instead of tracing the lines on a jpeg myself I was thinking of perhaps using a Maxscript f…
Yes, when you draw sth there is a rectangle which specifies the drawing area and things under it will flicker.
OK, if u dont want a script, y ur asking it here? also u can use G-Buffer(s) to get the result flat B/W result, the good thing about GB is that you ca…
If im not making a mistake, zbuffer is doing this, also there is a sample script for zbuffer in maxscript Ref.
LFShade: I considered answering when I first saw this question, but deferred to Bobo since it was, after all, directed to him. And I’m glad I waited…
THANKS alot, i mean ALOT!
if im not making a mistake, volumeSelect mod, polySelect and… will select whatever is inside the gizmo( or an obj gizmo ). i didnt understand your las…
sory for delay, ThanX Zbuffer, great! i used this before the animate and… move c -c.pos OK, seems im ready to write the PF version, with more featur…
I can also post max6 file. seems sth is wrong about my thread? tell me if its true please. Nothing yet?
ok, this is the script via the max7 file,
rotation in max 6.0 is a quaternion var. so you have to convert it to quat. See max ref for details on quats and converting them to other types and vi…
what kind of surfaces? NURBS and Patches is easy. (surface ctrls ) Polygons impossible.( because every 3 points in space create a surface so the for…