Go with the elements approach – but keep track of the number of polys before and after the attach… ie: Sphere01 is your base object and it has 40 pol…
^^nice… forgot about all of those.
if i understand correctly this should give you just the folder name: thepath = getsavepath() thefolder = filterstring thepath “\” thefolder = thefold…
^What he said, but if you just need to return the subitem:
a little bit cleaner, and not reliant on the name of the modifier… also toggles (good idea!) all of them depending on state themods = getclassinst…
Quick questions… what does a line of your text file look like? what does q = filterString r “,” return? one thing I noticed: meditmaterials[1].opac…
try: with printAllElements on (Format “%” b to:c) ??
I stopped using INI stuff after all the limitations i encountered. Just in case, for those of you on max9/2008, the most recent Blur Beta tools includ…
Things to know before hand….and this is because i am still learning and am grasping the concept of everything! Currently the object it breaks need…
on lv MouseClick theClick do ( local theItem = lv.GetItemAt theClick.x theClick.y local theRowIndex = theItem.Index + 1 local theSubItem = (theItem.Ge…
Can’t you just link it?
Find your defaults.ini file: C:\Documents and Settings%YOURUSERNAME%\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsmax\2009 – %32bit or 64bit%\enu\defau…
Look up activeViewport in the maxscript help file, and you can get the current viewport / get current camera / current position… etc. I would sugg…
…will this work for you? num = $.baseobject.numsubs thearray = #() for i = 1 to num do ( append thearray (($.baseobject[i].name) as…
Yeah, was just giving you the syntax… gotta make you do a little bit of the work.