Check out the code site – – Eric added a bunch of really good starter tutorials for python and pyqt… I think everything you just asked is already an …
What do you mean by mesh scripted plugin? With this you can do with python anything that is available through maxscript – just through python. So y…
labbejason: HUGE news! Thanks! Ian, I guess this means you won’t be using dotNet as much. Edit: Might be good to have a PyQT sticky soon…! Whe…
BAD ASS! Been waiting for this for a while now… as you know by how often I’ve bugged you – no, I don’t have a life, thanks for reminding me! –Great …
loran: hey all. I want to access individual items from a listbox so they do a specific operation one by one. check out my test “for o in fragment…
They did obviously change some ui stuff in 2010, so who knows whats going on… just for kicks though, you should try with uber-default windows theme a…
I mean WINDOWS skin or theme, not max settings. I’m just wondering if the messagebox is getting confused by some custom WINDOWS theme or something
Are you using some kind of custom windows skin?
^That’s pretty much exactly what I was thinking. Something to watch out for are layers – if something comes in to a hidden layer (ie layer 0 but layer…
Not directly that i know of… the easiest thing to do is write a function that will merge everything, then delete the stuff that you don’t want. Only …
initialselection = $ as array Try that first …it takes a snapshot of the selection before the loop starts, otherwise it’ll update the selection ev…
It’s in there, just gotta know where to look This is for editable poly: [left]polyop.getFaceArea <Poly poly> <int face> [/left]
ShellLaunch <filename_string> <parameters_string> so for example: ShellLaunch @“C:/temp/temp.bat” “”
holycause: Thanks Martin. I’ve no idea how to update a dotnet treeview. I m using an ini file to store my folders paths (only the main ones). And i…
I think you need to set the pivot of the attached mesh to 0,0,0 before you detach… when you create the new mesh it’s created at 0,0,0, so it’s offsett…