Here’s a quick example: Try DestroyDialog ExampleDialog Catch OK Rollout ExampleDialog “Example” ( DotNetControl dgv “System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid…
Freeze transform is just a macroscript, you can access the source code here: \ui\macroscripts\Macro_FreezeTransform.mcr If you wanna use those funct…
The script is capturing black because newBmp is pasted on g at position [100,100]. Try this: g.CopyFromScreen 100 100 0 0 (dotNetObject “system.draw…
You can use the max dependency system for this. I use this trick a lot in scripted custom attributes. Hope it can help. Refs.DependentNodes pBaseObj…
Renaming selected nodes can be really slow. :shrug: To bypass it, you can store the selection in an array. Benchmark: for x=1 to 1000 do teapot() …
Hi CyHiSo. SkinOps have some limitations and can be used only on certain conditions: . The object must be selected. . The skin should be the active …
Wow thank Solitude, great idea! :lightbulb I’m trying this right now.
Hm yeah but this way the animator can’t double-click on a max file from explorer or the current source control application anymore. I can’t afford thi…
I’ve made a script similar to this at work. The script is in stdplugs/stdscripts/ folder and sync the tools from the network before they load. Sadly i…
Thanks a lot Denis, it’s working perfectly! I never think about using MaxForm. :lightbulb PEN: I ran into all sorts of things that were a p…
Hi Braime, maybe you’ll want to look around the rezn8 maxscript extension. You can find it here: edit: If you’re using 3dsmax 2010, you can found it…
[left] Callbacks.AddScript #SelectionSetChanged “Code Here” Also, if you do this with rollouts, maybe you want to prevent abusing refresh. I’ve seen…
You need to pass through the COREInterface. Here’s an example: int iNbOfSelectedNodes = GetCOREInterface()->GetSelNodeCount(); for (int i = 0; i …
You need to use the CoreInterface. Here’s how: int iNbOfSelectedNodes = GetCOREInterface()->GetSelNodeCount(); for (int i = 0; i < iNbOfSelect…