turns out that it is enough to clear some DisplayFlags like this: mymnmesh.ClearDispFlag(MNDISP_SELVERTS | MNDISP_VERTTICKS | MNDISP_SELEDGES ); I do…
I should have post a full example. Hope it is clear now what I want to achieve. delete objects p = Plane length:100 width:100 isSelected:on lengthse…
Is there any way to turn off soft selection display in modify mode? this one disables soft selection drawing until I change my modifier parameters or…
from meshadj.h This function is available in release 3.0 and later only. This is the standard affect region function, based on a distance and the th…
sketchupmaster: … can we do the same layer importing? If you want to import i.e. merge specific layer it is impossible to do in an easy way You’l…
Klvnk: usual done from visual studio (starting in the resource editor Do you know why resource view is blank in 2015 visual studio, but shows di…
UIAccessor.SetWindowText (windows.getChildrenHWND (dotNetClass “Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface”).Instance.TheListenerWindow)[2][1] “” Actually there’s a…
i have SME window in focus how can I send “Alt + Key” to SME editor? or any other way to access those menus SendKeys.SendWait “%” works and activatin…
fn getSMEselectedMtls = ( viewNode = sme.GetView (sme.activeView) smeSelMats = #() for n = 1 to trackViewNodes[#sme][(sme.activeView)].numSubs do…
Maybe I’ve chosen the wrong thread to ressurect it is pretty old, but somehow related to managedservices.dll My question is can we somehow prevent mi…
I just played a little bit with dnSpy and was able to modify IL code of managedservices.dll to save incoming string into a file each time function is …
Is there a way to return the collection of BitArrayValues? Say if I’d like to get all the mesh elements as an array of bitarrays. Is it even possible?…
instances = #() InstanceMgr.GetInstances $ &instances all instances and references of selected object will be appended to that empty array you s…
on rollout i have dotnet textbox and a tooltip which i plan to show manually after user input What second arg should i pass to .Show() method to make …
string s = ManagedServices.MaxscriptSDK.ExecuteStringMaxscriptQuery(“(polyop.getvertselection selection[1] as array)as string”); Not sure if that fi…