you can disable js errors wb.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true
clearlistener() source_string = “using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO;class mmm { public static void DeleteDirectory( string directoryPath ){Microsoft.V…
delete objects a = point pos:[5,0,0] size:.5 wirecolor:yellow p1 = point pos:[0,3,0] size:.5 wirecolor:red p2 = point pos:[-4,2,0] size:.5 wirecolor:…
(mod inputArray[1] 10) == 1
I’m not sure what’s it all about, but is it correct? global EventCallbackWrapper ( if (globalvars.isglobal #EventCallbackWrapper) do ( if…
confirm, it does work now
still doesnt work
oh, thats true
fn getVFBbuttons = ( if ((maxVersion())[1] < 9000) then ( return -1 ) myDialogs = UIAccessor.getChildWindows 0 maxVFB = undefined for dlg in…
posX = $.pos.controller.X_Position.controller for k=1 to posX.keys.count where iskeyselected posX k collect getKey posX k something like this?
For any ICustButton control there’s a much better way to do this It allows you to easily access lots of button properties and methods. fn ToggleTrans…
check getChannelAsMask or getChannel
I’m the absolute noob in python, but it was much simpler to create this one for Sublime Text MxsTooltip github
I didn’t test it at all, but probably this one should work. Just in case someone will end up here from google like I did.
w1 = undefined w2 = undefined fn work1 = ( w1 = for i=1 to 24 collect superclassof meditmaterials[i] ) fn work2 = ( w2 = for i=1…