check if it’s what you’re after try (destroydialog X ) catch () rollout X “Anim2morpher” width:125 ( local targets = #() fn getgeo sel = clas…
res = #() for m in join modifier.classes SpacewarpModifier.classes do ( try ( local a = m() ) catch ( continue ) for p in getpropnames a where c…
fn getMaps node = ( local maps = #() for i=1 to node.modifiers.count do ( for p in getpropnames node.modifiers[i] do ( pp = (getproperty n…
can you provide any link to that captcha? i suggest using copy to clipboard for that, but need to check
frm = dotnetobject “” btn = dotnetobject “” frm.controls.add btn frm.autosizemode = frm.autosizem…
try (destroydialog X ) catch () rollout X “” ( spinner u_coord “U:” range:[0.0,1.0,0.5] scale:0.01 spinner v_coord “V:” range:[0.0,1.0,0.5] scal…
if i understand your video correctly, it’s sort of animated conform to surface if so this could be done with pflow data operators easily check attache…
myobject = $A myMorph = editText.text WM3_MC_BuildFromNode myObject.modifiers[ myMorph ] 1 $teapot01 this should work
you can use ‘matches’ method which returns a collection s = “<info113312>Tex1</info113312> <info2>Tex2</info2>” m = (dotNetC…
fn regexXml filename = ( pattern = “<name>(.*?)</name>” regex = dotNetobject “System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegEx” pattern (dotnetcla…
fn regexXml filename = ( pattern = “<name>(.*?)</name>” match = (dotNetClass “System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegEx”).Match ((dotnetcla…
dir = GetDir #maxroot TimeStart = timestamp() XML_Array = #() Name_Array = #() fn getFilesRecursive root = ( dir_array = GetDirectories (root + @”\*”…
for s in selection where s.modifiers[‘unwrap_uvw’] != undefined collect s.modifiers[‘unwrap_uvw’].getSelectedFaces() or for s in selection where s…
i’m not sure whether those functions will work as expected in case of wordpress. to logout you can use wordpress logout url instead wb.navigate “[wor…
/* — Logout by clearing session cookies fn clearCookies = ( wb.Navigate “javascript:void((function(){var a,b,c,e,f;f=0;a=document.cookie.split(‘; …