you can use spacing tool and then replace random blocks with some other
User defined colors are now stored inside cookie. Code window background color can be changed as well. Download: maxscriptSyntaxHighlighter Please n…
tnx Denis, I’ve never heard of it before. Saddest part is that my 2014×64 crashed each time I try to copy as rtf. Anyway, how do I paste it here?
Spinner is much more appropriate for that type of things. ( rollout mm “MultiMat” ( edittext tt “Number:” fieldWidth:80 align:#right spinner sp “Co…
Thanks, Denis. Works great.
My goal is to change environment map at render time for certain frames and that’s what I got. resetMaxFile #noprompt out = output() def = vraycolor…
i have some mistake in the above script so it’s just an idea of how to.
what about using several slice modifiers? though this method has some obvious limitations obj = $Line001 cutplanes = for o in objects where iskindof …
webbrowser_rollout.wb.refresh (dotnetclass “”).completely there’re a few other methods to tackle same is…
and then move everything to default layer if layermanager.count > 1 then ( — set default layer active (layerManager.getlayer 0).current = tru…
reading your threads i have exact same thoughts
I think someone here on forum mentioned that it’s not a good idea to run multi-threaded tasks from max main thread Got a couple of useful functions …
looks like i’ve found it. check this thread for details rollout modalRollout “Test” ( label test “TestLabel” button btTest “Close Me” on btTest …
Don’t know if it’s still running asynchronously but running this task in background worker doesn’t seem to hang max. ps. And that’s because the rest …