check these in mxs help addNewSpline numSplines numKnots
you could also use some other hardware id. hdd id?
path constraint has constant velocity by default but it’s unlikely to have any decent animation in such automatic way, just a template for the further…
thanks for some useful tips guys
showTexturemap meditMaterials[1] on fn toggleTransformTypeIn = ( WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x0201 WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x0202 global _user32 = …
spacefrog: I think if you display the calltip off text it works Yeah, that’s the only way it works. No calltip settings I’ve tried seem to change…
I’d like to show custom calltip on #dwellstart or #dwellend events but unfortunately cannot find a way I could prevent default calltip from showing. E…
well, I finally got it working. Don’t know why but it didn’t return anything until I removed #AutoCompleteSelection callback inside callback function …
could you help me out with getting selected autocomplete text? GetCallbackText() returns nothing in #AutoCompleteSelection callback while GetCallback…
Say I have a scene where rootnode has CA with a script in ‘on load’ event. How do I prevent it from execution on scene load?
fn reorderArray theArray newOrder = ( for i = theArray.count to 1 by -1 do ( if (index = finditem newOrder theArray[i] ) != i do swap theArray…
Thanks a LOT Jorge !
I need to update selected materials previews after that torus is being set as sample object. Is there a way to do it with c# or maxscript?
try (destroydialog X ) catch () rollout X “” ( button getblocks “get nodes” button replacebtn “replace” local nodes on getblocks pressed d…