I couldn’t have imagined that it works that way. thx
Thanks a lot for the info.
I have it installed, but still looking for a way to get offset pos without any external dependencies. Nothing I’ve tried seem to work. How does your p…
yeah, it’s a bit messy code. at the moment I have a buffer of last pressed Keys whilch i collect from WM_KEYUP event. so now it’s possible to show an…
— ******************************************************************************** — POST MESSAGE fn myAssembly = ( source = “” source += “using S…
mxseditor allows to define a shortcut for custom user commands. Klaas has a great Git example on his site I have a simple console app that can take …
actually there’s no mention about line.margin.visible=0 and margin.width=0 got it from russian help file I checked your file and it works exactly as …
scite doc bookmark.fore bookmark.back bookmark.alpha The colours used to display bookmarks in the margin. If bookmark.fore is empty then a blue s…
Nothing changes for me when I toggle a bookmark using Ctrl+F2. Moreover I couldn’t find a setting to make my 2012 max editor background dark maybe th…
How do you achieve that several lines backgrounds being colored that way at once? F2 doesnt work for me that way, or I just don’t know how to do so. …
I’m using dark theme from Josef. Link to thread there’s a few lines which you may edit as you like in MXS_EditorUser.properties. I just changed it t…
Are you sure it’s not updated? Maybe it’s too intense to distinguish colors? What colors are we talking about? Rendertime or ui? global ComboBoxOpsAs…
what about using hiddenDosCommand ?
… source += ” public const int CB_GETCOUNT = 0x0146; ” source += ” public const int CB_GETCURSEL = 0x0147; ” source += ” pub…
I would try windows.processPostedMessages or Uiaccessor.perssdefaultbutton then. I’m not that much into winapi and all that stuff too