( Array1D = for x=1 to 10 collect [ x, 0, 0 ] Array2D = for x=1 to 10 collect for y=1 to 10 collect [ x, y, 0 ] Array3D = for x=1 to 10 collect for y=…
hmm… can’t see such exposed property in my 2014 max. Only the action “40075” to toggle it on/off. The only way I see is through slate editor View menu…
That’s unlikely to be stored in INI because each node on its selection can update the state of the button, so it must be some sort of flag saved withi…
My bad. It’s SME toolbar button called “Hide unused nodeslots”.
Is there any way to get current state of the ‘Hide unused node’ button?
What if I can’t change any code and have to load such a file? I have a saved scene file with the above CA on a rootnode. I load it and then get messag…
example exampleCA = attributes example ( fn popupFn = ( messageBox “I refuse to open this scene, sorry! ” resetMaxFile #n…
maxscript reference If you’re looking for a specific Octane renderer properties or functions you should check out otoy’s forum instead. Mxs reference…
sceneMaterials[“Wood”].diffuse_tex = RGB_image filename:”C:\sometexture.jpg” You can check for ‘diffuse_tex’ properties like so show sceneMaterials[…
sure batchItMax
actually you don’t need to compile anything at all mxs way another one
CoronaMtl “——— ” “——— ” .colorDiffuse : RGB color .colorReflect (colorReflection) : RGB color .colorRefract (colorRefraction) : RGB color …
Thanks for the explanation, Denis. There’s not a single word in reference about this particular handler.
denisT: it has to be isIndeterminate is it somehow related to tri-state of a macro button? I always thought it can only be on/off
denisT: on isIntermediate I couldn’t find anything about this event. What is it for?