I did that for demonstration purposes only. To show that only the group node pivot was affected. inode.GetObjectTM does seem more appropriate indeed,…
Here’s version using sdk Rotate fn rotatePivotOnly obj quatValue localOrigin:false affectChildren:false ignoreLocks:false = ( /* virtua…
As you can see from the code first two face verts are used as a x vector which can be not an optimal vector for a further bounding box calculations. T…
You can also google for a script by Vitus called minimalBoundingBox. It’s great for that type of tasks delete objects b = box() t = Teapot() conver…
what about using particles to preview these meshes? check out this thread
Exceptions appeared even after the change of cloneNodes to a copy, so this was hardly the reason.
I refactored your code and at some point it just stopped to throw that error. global PolyFaceExtruder ( if (globalvars.isglobal #EventCallbackWrap…
That’s the list. Trickiest part now is to check whether one can be used in a rollout targetClass = dotNetClass “system.windows.forms.control” appdom…
Same story. You can run showevents <yourDotNetControlHere> to get a list of available events try (destroydialog X ) catch () rollout X “” ( …
You didn’t specify where you need to catch that event, but here’s an example for the textbox try (destroydialog X ) catch () rollout X “” width:250 …
fn avgVertexColor obj = ( local tmp = snapshotAsMesh obj avg = [0,0,0] for i=1 to tmp.numverts do avg += getvertcolor tmp i avg = avg / tmp.num…
My bad, didn’t read it careful enough
check out this thread