It would be better to see your code. But I’m almost certain that you just failed to provide correct reference for the callback function try (destroy…
try ( deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#xxx ) catch() preserveUVs = selection[1].preserveUVs when parameters selection[1] changes id:#xxx obj do ( …
In theory you can check if theHold.isHolding() and do nothing in your callbacks in that case.
try these PolyToolsUI.PDOffset = 666 PolyToolsUI.PDDistance = 333
maxscript reference: <Box2 rect>windows.getWindowPos <int HWND> NEW in 3ds Max 2014: Returns the position of the upper left corner and t…
Maybe that has something to do with the max version. Max 2014 works fine for me
How can I get rcmenu position and size before creating a webb dialog? try (destroydialog X ) catch () rollout X “” ( button btn “————–…
why not create a separate form with the browser and then just show and align it to opened rcmenu?
what about postload CA event? Never did nothing similar before so any corrections are welcomed. lightCA = attributes lightCA attribID:#(0x3d98e77f, …
ok… looks like it must be saved like this local current_mod = modPanel.getCurrentObject() local cid = g.Class_ID.create current_mod.classid[1] curre…
and IRollupWindow related question I’ve looked in SDK… you are definitely can reorder rollups from SDK. IRollupWindow and IRollupPanel give access t…
10k is a huge number! I’ve learned a lot from you and your examples since joined this forum. Thank you for that.
([^\\]|^|[^\\](\\\\)+)(“+) another one link
me: ([^\]|^)(“) link or using negative lookbehind me again: (?<!\)”