Can’t tell you anything about performance, since I tested it only on your example files. How big your files can be? I’d go a compiled assembly way wit…
using StringStream is not an optimal solution for a bigger files ( f = fopen @”c:\binary_03.txt” “rb” fseek f 0 #seek_end …
rb – read-only binary – file must exist change mode to “rb” works fine with your file
f = openFile @”C:\binary.txt” mode:”r” contains123 = ( skipToString f “123” ) != undefined close f
Did you try skipToString <fileStream> <string>? link: FileStream values
Thanks, Andres. There’s also commandMode change callback left and then my all-in-one transform type-in complete.
and a little mxs wrap ( global axisChangeOps fn compileAxisChangeOps forceRecompile:false = ( if forceRecompile or not iskindo…
I found a c# way of doing it. using Autodesk.Max; namespace axisChangeOps{ public class axisCallback : Autodesk.Max.Plugins.AxisChangeCallback…
I don’t like using timers for a lasting tasks like that, but if it can run in background thread and don’t leak memory that could be a solution. I trie…
search forum for some example of RayMeshGridIntersect
Yeah, that second is a masterpiece
Here’s modified version of Jorge’s GetAllMeshElements fn getPolyFaceClusters node faces = ( local verts = #() local processed = #{} local…
I bet it could be greatly optimized by caching polyop.getFaceVerts & polyop.getFacesUsingVert delete objects — t = Teapot segments:6 t = GeoSp…
try (destroydialog X ) catch () rollout X “” ( checkbutton cb “superDummy” checkbutton cb2 “extraDummy” checkbutton cb3 “megaDummy” …