Looks like I found a solution fn IBitArrayToBitArray var IBitArray = ( global tmpMxsValue = var local g = (dotnetclass “Autodesk.Max.Glo…
Great, it’s much better now. I got around ~3 seconds to convert 100k IBitArray.
IBitArray is zero based so it should be like this I think. for j = 0 to IBitArray.Size-1 do
And it does. It modifies original bitarray, but I know how to deal with that. Thanks again — here was not working solution
There’s no Get method in 2014, unfortunately. maxscript listener: – props – .AnyBitSet : <System.Boolean>, read-only .BitwiseNot : <…
Thx, Denis. Maybe there’s a way I can cast IBitArray to int[] some other way? My max2014 throws this when compiling it: “Cannot apply indexing with []…
I didn’t mean that your way of doing it is wrong. That’s just due my poor english
Unfortunately it doesn’t work without prior edge/face selection too delete objects t = teapot() convertToMesh t setFaceSelection t #{159..160, 167….
There’s VrayDiffuseFilterrender element for that purpose. If you don’t need to turn white facade to black one that should fit you task pretty well.
Your renderer doesn’t support white balance?
both from c++ sdk reference iepoly.h iepolymod.h
what about c# ? g = (dotnetclass “Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface”).Instance i = g.Interface_ID.Create 0x92779 0x634020 — epoly …
macroScript ModifierAutoSelectToggle category: “MyTools” toolTip: “Visualize AutoModSel Toggle” ( ModAutoSelectActive == true on isChe…
f = (dotnetclass “System.IO.File”).ReadAllBytes @”C:\utf_8.txt” asdotnetobject:on s = (dotnetclass “System.Text.Encoding”).Default.GetString f asdotne…