Not sure if it’s correct. It fails only at first inTangent and last outTangent. max 2014 fn createCurve = ( local numPts = 5 crv….
what if you set points in reverse order like so for i = numPts to 1 by -1 do (
How are you suppose to have a valid intersection point using lineLine Intersection? lineLine Intersection will return the intersection point that is o…
something like this delete objects Thetex = text text:”D” size:115 centerpivot thetex thetex.pos = [0,0,0] pt1 = point size:.5 cross:on box:off axi…
2 points sounds more like segment not vector. Collect points of your spline using interpCurve3D and then check segmentSegment intersection between you…
Can’t imagine what can go wrong here. What does listener says for this one: [i]doesFileExist[/i] @”G:/MICK/Palette/Palette – 3d Max Wireframe color…
I’ve edited my previous post. Check if it works now. You are definitely having some file path issues. Maybe checking this thread would help
display (openBitMap @”G:/MICK/Palette/Palette – 3d Max Wireframe colors.tif”)
You can either replace existing material with vrayOverrideMtl or apply new vrayOverrideMtl to the dependent nodes. — 1. blackMtl = VRayMtl diffuse:…
What about nested materials?
Have you seen this? [](javascript:void(0))
You can use NodeEventCallback for that fn handleAddDelete ev nodes = ( format “% ” ev for n in nodes do format “% ” (getAnimByHandl…
( delete objects shp = SplineShape() — Create splineshape for i=1 to 5 do ( addNewSpline shp for j=1 to 5 do addKnot shp i #corner …
shp = — your spline shape selectedKnots = #() for i=1 to numsplines shp do ( for j in getKnotSelection shp i do append selectedKnots #( i, j, get…
getWindowRectand setWindowPos