Did you try Containers.IsInContainer <Node> to get the container node?
If you define all your functions after UI then you don’t need to reference your rollout all the time little example try (destroydialog X ) catch () r…
And something even less elegant. struct editMeshModOps ( fn getEditMeshModMaterialIDSpinnerHWND = ( windows_getHWNDData = wind…
what about PolyToolsModeling.BuildEnd ?
Interesting. I got 109sec for 20000 edges.
You were close
thanks, I’ll check it out. I’ve never used proSequencer myself, so the only question i have is whether proSequencer allow multiple ranges on single t…
Can you share some test example where this one doesn’t work? fn getSMEselection = if MatEditor.mode == #advanced do ( viewNode = sme.GetVie…
It was so simple that I thought you could figure it out yourself by a lots of examples on this forum. I’ve edited my previous post
select your spline and run shp = selection[1] for i=1 to numsplines shp do ( for j=1 to numknots shp i do setKnotType shp i j #smooth ) updateSh…
yep, listener says undefined max 2014
neither my 2014 has polyop.InsertVertinEdge nor google knows anything bout it.