can you reupload or give permission to googledisk?
or (dotNetClass “Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface”).Instance.executeMaxscriptScript I see absolutely no secure ways to do it without compiling a c++ plu…
control-flow obfuscation is removed pretty easily
actionMan.executeAction 0 “620” — Tools: Use Files Toggle
Hi, aandres! Casting to some other type is a dead end. createInstance returns IntPtr which I can’t cast to linearshape. Maybe we can directly create …
Not in 2014 unfortunately.
Thanks, Denis. Sounds like a way to go, but MakePolyShape needs IPolyShape passed as reference and I can’t seem to find a constructor for it.
It depends whether this shape has self intersections or not. If it has no intersections and there are some other modifiers in stack then edit_spline c…
Thanks. I tried that too. That’s ridiculous how could I forget about edit_spline modifier . ln = line() addNewSpline ln addKnot ln 1 #corner #line […
Do you know what hwnd stands for? It is a window handle. You need to provide it in order to send your message to a particular window rollout X “” ( …
I’d suggest you to use Spy++ and investigate what is happening when you click browser manually. Doing so will save you a lot of time. ps. make sure t…
Try Sweep modifier with Banking:on on these rails splines.
You can use matrix as a coordsys to create rails. delete objects p = Circle radius:250 displayrendermesh:false addModifier p ( Normalize_Spl length:…
that’s how you rightclick a control windows.sendMessage (::_netForm.controls.item 0).Handle 0x204 0x2 0xF0038 windows.sendMessage (::_netForm.contro…