Do you really need to support versions prior to 2009? ( BSearch was added in 2009 )
yes, that’s much better
I can’t see almost any difference in mxs/c# way of doing it. rollout test “” ( dotNetControl w_b “System.Windows.forms.WebBrowser” pos:[0,0] widt…
CreatePStamp maybe?
How do I find out which bitmap texture is in which slot of the material? for prop in getPropNames mtl where isKindOf (val = getProperty mtl prop) t…
d0 is just a sign of double precision value. that’s how you turn it to integer int (rgb[3] / (height * width)) I’m not sure if such task can be acom…
you can use renderMap to create a lowres version of each texturemap and then use getPixels to sum all the r,g,b values ( bm = renderMap meditMat…
IceNew: Yes, I did restart 3ds max inbetween tests You don’t have to, simply use colorman.reInitIcons() So you have Test_16i.bmp in #usericons a…
did you try to put them in #userIcons dir ?
this one works too, but never on the first run. at first function call it always fails for some unknown reason system exception but second time it do…
There’s no easy way afaik. ( fn get2DPoint pos yTop:true = ( local sX = gw.getWinSizeX() as float local sY = gw.getWinSizeY(…
this is the case when point of intersection is behind both vectors dot vec1 (intersectionPoint – p1) < 0 and dot vec2 (intersectionPoint – p2) <…
change this line to (dot vec1 (intersectionPoint – p1) > 0) != (dot vec2 (intersectionPoint – p2) > 0) maybe function should return 0 if vecs …
thanks. updated my previous post
If vec1 and vector defined by p1 and intersection point are co-directional and If vec2 and vector defined by p2 and intersection point are co-directio…