mxs reference: <boolean>selectTrack <maxObject>object <boolean>clearSelection trackviews.currentTrackview.selectTrack $[3][1] …
You need to get node by name like so: charMaster = getNodeByName (charRollout.character_dd.selected + “__moCap_head”) charSlave = getNodeByName (…
Should it work or this error is expected?
Works fine for me with and without macro line.
make your rollout global … global Attacher try(destroydialog ::Attacher)catch() …
ID is the face material ID index is the material index in materiallist And yes, you definitely need to delete names as well.
fn RemoveSubMaterial mtl ID = if isKindOf mtl Multimaterial do ( index = findItem mtl.materialIDList ID if index > 0 do ( dele…
Try harder on documentation mxs reference: setSubMtl <material> <index> <material> This method sets the indexed sub materi…
I guess you need to run assignNewName function each time new material is created ( resetMaxFile #noPrompt mat2 = standard name:”Material #25″ assign…
matchPattern returns bool
Correct. As of node marking I guess it depends on whether you need to store this data within scene or node.
You don’t actually need to remove anything from the initial array. Create new array containing nodes that are valid to export and pass it to your expo…
I did a little test with mine and Jorge’s code and now it is clear that deleteItem was a bad idea. It is almost four times slower then collect on 100k…
for i=array.count to 1 by -1 where checkUserProp array[i] do deleteItem array i checkUserProp is your function that checks particular property and re…
This one works with editable_poly and edit_poly mod case classof (_mod = modPanel.getCurrentObject()) of ( Edit_Poly : ( if subObjec…