Here’s a bit modified version of the last one Denis posted. Now it has no memory leak when += integer is used and no comparison to zero on each iterat…
I guess he is about ray segment intersection. All you need to do is to find if two lines intersect and if they do then you check if sum of distances f…
Thanks. Tested it in 2017 and the difference remains. Guess all versions up to 2018 will behave the same in that matter.
still not working with multiple modifiers selection, but now it doesn’t select the first one windows.postMessage hwnd 0x204 0 0 windows.postMessage …
What about rightclick + leftclick on modifiers listbox? It blinks for a fraction of a second, but otherwise it does seem to work ( delete objec…
Not sure if it will work in newer versions of max. It would be just great if someone could test struct ReplaceMaxFileObjects ( targetMaxFilename…
use it like this actionMan.executeAction 796989038 “40012” –Create Keys btw. you can find a file called list_of_actions.txt somewhere here on forum…
It turn out that suspendEditing helps to update the values when we in the modify mode. In create mode it works just fine.
Wow. How could I miss that. Thank you, Denis
Works with array. Not sure if it is possible for other value types global Temp ( local xyz struct MainStruct ( MainStructValue = #()…
What’s your max version? I can’t reproduce it in 2014 Try to define function in global space maybe it will help. global selectXYZtracks fn selectXYZt…
I hope someone more experienced in animation will show how it should be done. Check if it works for you. I have no idea what Zero stands for in your s…