What I find funny is that you can’t access forum top menu without scrolling thread up till the beginning
columnStyle = dotNetObject “System.Windows.Forms.ColumnStyle” ((dotNetClass “System.Windows.Forms.SizeType”).absolute) 35.0 but when I check it isn’t …
Mate, it isn’t true about the absense of information in russian. There’re several places where you could ask a question, really. 3dcenter.ru, Render.r…
why not removing it right from the callback function?
Sure. You can either use Show method in listener or check msdn
you could try regex ( gc();t1=timestamp();hf = heapfree txt = (dotNetClass “system.io.file”).readalltext @”C:\Users\User\Documents\3dsmax\expo…
Another neat feature of the updated forum is that you can’t copy to clipboard any search results text unless you open the post. Ok. And when you try t…
I didn’t save the broken link, unfortunately. Checked browser history, but no luck. It would be great if some sort of automation could check all the c…
+1 I really hope that the links in old posts that lead to other posts/threads in maxscript subforum are going to be repaired some day.
<Point2> – preformatted text < Point2> – plain text with space after opening angle bracket – plain text without space after opening angle…
I guess these values can be read and set using IPrimitiveRenderer interface from Autodesk.Max.MaxSDK.Graphics. <Point2>GetDepthRange ()=0 This…
the hardest part is to locate where these triangle manipulators are. then you just send mousedown, mousemove, mouseup to the viewport and thats all (…
You can use RegisterHotKey, but from my experience it can stop working after a while. mxse tooltips
fn SetAdaptiveDegradationState state = ( try ( local hwnd = UIAccessor.GetFirstChildWindow (windows.GetChildHwnd #max “StatusPanelBottomContaine…