But it makes it five times slower than the original Aaandres code Try moving numSubSeg inside the for loop … slen = getSegLengths selection[1] 1 pt…
This is definitely not a way to go if you want pure math solution, but anyway. ( delete objects delete helpers shp = Ngon radius:50 cornerRadius:0…
State of the Site, October 2018 Advanced search should be up and working sometime in Janaury. its being worked on now. 500 errors are being fixed a…
Sure, it would be great to have a dedicated mxs-wiki site, but I don’t know anyone motivated enough to create one. It is sad to see that this great pl…
what if you temporary set this file to read only ?
It was probably renamed. You can easily find it with Spy++ %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\spyxx_amd64.exe
Maybe one of these could help. Don’t know if it will work in newer max versions
try GetClientRect or windows.getWindowPos in max2014+ ptr = dotNetObject “System.IntPtr” (windows.getMAXHWND()) rect = (dotNetClass “Autodesk.Max.Glo…
You can drag-n-drop them on the dotnet control. link
Klvnk: use visual studios find in file functionality I use grepWin a lot for exact this purpose. It supports regex. Also there’s FileLocatorPro w…
I’m not sure that it will work with the newer max versions, but hope you get the idea. Tested it on 2014. — macroScript macroName — category:”macro…
Just checked this nested loops performance and it just doesn’t seem practical to use. Is there any real cases where we could benefit for it? delete o…
haha… pure insanity gc() ( t0 = timestamp() h0 = heapfree for k in #{1..1000000} do k format “time:% heap:%\n” (timestamp() – t0) (h0 – heapfre…
nodes = #() join nodes geometry join nodes shapes select (for s in nodes where ((abs s.scale.x) != 1 or (abs s.scale.y) != 1 or (abs s.scale.z) != 1) …
Guess you can pass variables by reference and assign them directly without the need to return anything. def_visible_primitive(AssignByRef, “AssignByR…