this one will fold only the folds of certain level ( fn mxsEditorHWND asdotnet:false = ( for c in (windows.getchildrenhwnd 0) where c[4] == “MX…
MerlinEl: how did you find it Use SDK reference or c++ sources to look for that type of things
I tried but without any luck. My editor looks like this after code execution 3dsmax_uYrbV9uShR.png830x614 42.4 KB
MerlinEl: –it will be nice to add a function which will select all word occurences in whole script I would be glad if someone could show how …
This one will insert “fn abc a b = a * b” right before the struct end. btw You can comment whole struct to see how SCI_BRACEMATCH fails SCI_BRACEMATC…
ProRibbon by @jonadb
But doesn’t Ribbon already provides that?
odball: If the modifier is hidden and the file is saved, closed and re opened it will turn back on! looks like I have exactly the same issue with…
David Goodman: This does not work and only returns “Undefined” ( local source = “using System; namespace mxs { public class myclass { priva…
lol, do you really believe that was the reason and not the users switching to social networks and messengers? site redesign and especially forum engin…
Good thread choice for a spam bot
it’s not that hard actually for i=1 to geometry.count do ( local obj1 = geometry[i] for j=i+1 to geometry.count where areMeshesNear obj1 geom…
if scale is uniform it’s probably enough to make it work as expected local isUniformScale = sp.scale[1] == sp.scale[2] and sp.scale[2] == sp.scale[3]…
It is fast. Guess t should be double in order not to freeze max on large splines.
I’ve just checked my suggestion on your spline and sometimes it is indeed doesn’t make almost any difference. And seems that very few points actually …