( fn GetSMEWindowHandle = ( max_hwnd = windows.getMAXHWND() for m in windows.getChildrenHWND 0 where m[4] == “NodeJoeMainWindow” and m[5] == “…
PostMessage works ok for me. But you also need to pass mouse click position and set SME in focus before you click; fn makeparam w l = ( bit.or (b…
Maybe something like this will do.
try2script: I want to fire left mouse button What do you mean by firing mouse button?
Do you really need a global hook? There was already a thread about detecting mouse events in max window. Check out my example. Maybe it is enough for …
check Interacting with the 3ds Max User Interface > Command Panels > in mxs reference
What if you modify mesh points like this? <Matrix3>.TransformPoints ( Point3 * array, int n, intstride = sizeof(Point3) )
Well, the thing is that I’m struggling to make it on c# side and I have no idea how it is possible if at all. VS tells me that I can’t declare pointer…
t = timeStamp() do ( $.modifiers[1].relaxByFaceAngle 100 0 1 false windows.processPostedMessages() — comment it out if you don’t need viewport upda…
Have you checked mxs reference?
Post can’t be empty
Thank you very much, guys!
Ok, check this thread maybe it could help you.