Cannot assign to read-only variable: light guess you just need to choose another name for this variable
EliasMayer: And if there are easy solutions to reverse an String or Array would be good too know too ( str = “string to reverse” chars = (dot…
pathconfig.appendPath maxFilePath “yourfile.csv”
does it work for you? delete objects gc() with redraw off ( t = Teapot isSelected:true rotate t (EulerAngles 33 44 66) scale t [1.5,1.5,1.5] …
Byte max value is 2^8-1 which is 255. So there’s not enough bits to represent the value you’re trying to set. byte_data.Set index 127 byte_data.Get i…
If you have no plans to save the compressed data as .gz you can try DeflateStream instead. StackOverflow: If you use the GZipStream to compres…
have you seen this one? The code provided below can do the following things: Compute the exact diameter of a point-set in 3d. Seems to be linear …
there’s actually nothing much complicated try to use it as an example c# sdk public static bool SetControllerTangentType( int anim_handle ) …
// istdplug.h #define BEZKEY_SMOOTH 0 #define BEZKEY_LINEAR 1 #define BEZKEY_STEP 2 #define BEZKEY_FAST 3 #define BEZKEY_SLOW 4 #define BEZKEY_USER 5 …
elevation by coordinates intersectRayScene <ray> is probably what you need Performs intersectRay on all nodes in the scene. Returns an arra…
conradbenzin: because id is always 0. I think all macro buttons have ID equal to zero. It’s those buttons that have ActionItem associated with th…
That’s exactly what we used to add buttons to sme. No complains from users of 2020 so far if not ButtonExists toolbar_hwnd btnText then ( local mbda…
Yes, the order is correct. I couldn’t find a way to add it manually, slate doesn’t allow to customize its toolbar. I did compare ICustButton from main…
In 2020 max it behaves exactly the same way as shown in the gif you posted.