not sure if it is efficient ( mod_handles = for obj in selection collect ( (for m in obj.modifiers collect getHandleByAnim m) as BitArray ) ha…
For a single node it must show all applied modifiers, for multiple only the shared instances?
denisT: What if anyone named a modifier like “Vertex”, “Face”, etc But you also know the order in which modifiers are applied. So if the modifier…
denisT: so it might be a scene data instead of a modifier data. Wonder how could we locate that singe bit. EXHRR6rYR8.gif1366x740 526 KB HxD…
What strange is that max saves the state of modifier’s subtree withing a scene, so there must be sort of a flag somewhere inside the modifier data or …
maybe you can cache hash values of their positions and then check if hash of such position exists? the only question is how to minimize hash collision…
danerrrr: I cannot puzzle out why the poly could make the ray doing intersection against it’s dir? Indeed intersectRayScene now also do the check…
danerrrr: addmodifier b (normalModifier filp: true) it should be flip
danerrrr: and now i know that’s why. but is it really a bug? ( delete objects b = box() r = ray x_axis — note that ray ori…
Flub: because there is not dll path or something in your max script. example
I use visual studio so for me it is easier to load it like this, but you can compile it on-the-fly right from the maxscript ( dllpath = @”C:\…\vi…
Ok, here’s the modified Jorge’s version that uses c# function to speed up setting vertex colors ( /* SETUP TEST SCENE ##############################…
Check out this project if you need examples. But what is your plan? How do you suppose to make script faster using c# compiled dll?
Flub: All in all i could profit from the better performance of compiled code. I doubt that you can benefit from it at all unless you’re willing t…
check out this one GitHub techartorg/MXSPyCOM A modern version of MXSCOM, to allow for editing & execution of 3ds Ma…