denisT: faster then all other methods i’ve tried Yep, it is pretty convenient especially when used in unsafe manner like I do in c#. I’ve managed…
check out these two fn GetPolyElementsCount poly = ( local g = (dotNetClass “Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface”).Instance local inode = g.COREInte…
Search in reference by phrase Selection Filter for i = 1 to GetNumberDisplayFilters() do ( format “%: % : %\n”i (GetDisplayFilterName i) (GetDis…
Sure you don’t have it It is a scripted plugin I was talking about. How is that possible that you can have a timestamp before the render and can’t h…
you can make it using scripted renderEffect plugin
also check out one of these fn lineLineIntersect pA pB pC pD = ( local a=pB-pA local b=pD-pC local c=pC-pA local cross1 = cross a b loca…
didn’t you ask that question on scriptspot?
If you simply want to remove the interval from the array of sorted integers that appear only once I’d suggest to use bitarrays instead
windows.postmessage viewHWND WM_MOUSEHWHEEL 0x10000 pp – vfb zoom-in windows.postmessage viewHWND WM_MOUSEHWHEEL 0x00000 pp – vfb zoom-out
mariomorais: “– Unknown property: “Shape_” in dotNetObject:Autodesk.Max.Wrappers.ShapeObject” first check if such property exists at all. AD lov…
Thanks, didn’t notice it when copy pasted the code. What strange is that it is used only to uncheck the button afterwards as I understand. And also fo…
Actually it seems like possible. Just found an example in my heap of prototypes That’s how you can Union two splines. Spline node must be selected. …
a little offtop… if we create and copy a node as reference then for that node mod stack shows a stripe across the stack and LB_GETCOUNT returns 1 whil…
denisT: Modifier Stack is ‘pinned’ ? damn But I never had it pinned since the R4 version. I don’t quite get the idea behind pinning